Shower Sensations VR CGI
As a tall, gorgeous woman joins you in the shower, you'll be treated to a sensual, explicit encounter like no other. Credits : "Showertime Sweethearts" by Westonini (CC BY), ColliderEditor, Embody, Glance, Timeline, Utilities by AcidBubbles, BJDeluxe by AnalogueBob, ExpressionCollection by AshAuryn, ScriptParentHoldLink by Blazedust, LutPack by BooMoon, ExpressionTool by ClockwiseSilver, ParticlePackVol3 by Farger, SizePlayPlugins by FortuneFavors, Positioner by Gardan, Fluids101, Vamatosphere, Vamcui, Vammoan by hazmhox, LockerRoom by Ivam, SimpleKeybindActions by JaxZoa, MaleCollection by kemenate, PostMagic by MacGruber, SoapFoam by Molmark, AssetVamifier by NoStage3, ColdBreathFX, PpHeartFx by OrangeGumi, Thigh by ParticlePinnacle, AshaderMod by Sally, ImportReloadedLite by Spacedog, DiviningRod by ToumeiHitsuji, Penis Collection by VamTastic, PenisNormalMapsZEROFU by WeebU, Brooke by Westonini, IrisReflexShadow by CMA, HairLong by ddaamm, Eyesw by paledriver, Lashes3 by VL13